Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Caribbean Series 2009- Day 2

Wow, this really has been exciting. Having the day off from work yesterday, I was fortunate enough to watch both games. The first game was between Venezuela and DR. It turned out to be a true pitchers dual, with Venezuela winning the contest. The second game last night was between Mexico and Puerto Rico. Mexico ended up winning 3 to 2. In today's earlier game, my Puerto Rican favorite team lost to the Dominican Republic in a close action packed game...at least the highlights looked like it. I was at work so  I missed this one. I am currently watching the battle of the unbeatens Mexico vs. Venezuela game. It's a bummer the PR lost their first two games, but I am just glad that they were here this year. It just wasn't the same last year without PR. Hopefully Panama and Cuba will return to the tourney in the near future to add to the excitement.

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